Pathway Planning; Informing Learning, Building Connections, Strengthening Transitions
Written in 2007 by Peter Tatham and Joyce Johnston, this report commissioned by the Tasmanian Department of Education, reviews the implementation of a pathways planning support programme for young Tasmanians in their post-school/compulsory education transitions. The aim of this support was to help young people plan, prepare, and make informed choices about post-school destinations within the overall Department policy of improving educational outcomes and retention and participation rates in education and training for young people aged 15 to 19 years. The review looks at the engagement of all stakeholders with the programme. Elements of the programme included work exploration, skills/attributes identification, and making future plans, delivered through class teaching and individual interview work.
The report illustrates the challenges encountered by school management, teachers, parents and young people when new components are added on to the formal curriculum of the school.