Shaping The Future: A New Adult Advancement And Careers Advice Service For England
This prospectus is a summary of government plans for England to create an adult advancement and careers service by Autumn 2010. The service will combine skills and training advice with practical guidance on how to overcome the full range of barriers people face in getting on in life. The service linked to national web and phone services will be driven by local innovation and partnership in which the public employment service, Job Centre Plus, and further education institutes will be key partners. The local partnership will operate as a flexible network, sharing information and expertise to deliver a personalised offer of advice and ongoing support to citizens. It will be a universal service, open to employed and unemployed alike. The Skills Account will be an integral part of the service.
Ten prototypes of the service are being trialled to enable government to draw from the innovative practice of those who deliver the service with a wide range of partners.
The prospectus is divided into five sections:
- brief summary of the service
- prototypes
- policy and operational issues
- links to other advisory services in the education and training system
- innovation and partnership.